© EHTTA Directed by: Marie Thomas-Penette
Acqui Terme, one of the founding members of the EHTTA, has been famous since Ancient Rome, thanks to the utilisation of its therapeutic thermal water, of which the archaeological sites of aqueducts and pools largely tell the story. Today, it is a centre of culture and tourism, still making good use of the thermal water, surrounded by the vineyards of Monferrato, and inscribed on the World Heritage List.
Acqui Terme
“I had arrived on 5 June, still extremely weak. I had fainted while getting out of the car. I slept for twelve hours after that, and felt a little better… in this truly serious place where there is real suffering and infinite pain, in the absence of boisterous pleasures, nature works all the more, and rather mysteriously…”
Jules Michelet, Historian
“Così bionda, così fina, era il suo posto salire in automobile e girare la provincia, andare a cena nelle ville, nelle case dei signori alle terme d’Acqui – non fosse stata quella compagnia. Nuto cercava di non vederla per le strade, ma passando sotto le sue finestre alzava gli occhi alle tendine.”
Cesare Pavese, Writer
“Acqui Terme is a town that I have a lot of time for. I regularly recommend it to some of my patients, even though I have a weakness for Fiuggi, which his much closer to me geographically. I still hadn’t found the time to visit the therapy facilities properly. I will do that tomorrow with Valery, who has more come here in search of traces of the writers. When we met here, he showed me a copy of a letter from Paul Morand to his friend Valery Larbaud dated the 19th July 1926, and with the letterhead of the Grands Hotels des Thermes – open all year round, according to the document. Morand was treated for sciatica – ‘waist-deep in mud.' ”
GEORG Source
and Cities
c/o Comune di Acqui Terme – Piazza Levi,12
Palazzo Robellini – 15011 Acqui Terme AL 15011 Italia
+39 0144 322142 - iat@acquiterme.it
Nuove Terme Spa Via XX Settembre Tel.: +39 0144 324390
Regina Spa Zona Bagni Tel.: +39 0144 324390
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