© Loiez Deniel
Made famous in the 19th century by the arrival of Empress Eugenie, the thermal spa and tourist resort of Royat Chamalières was built around thermal activity, a discovery from the Gallo-Roman era. Today, it conserves its remarkable architecture as well as grassy areas which are extended by an exceptional surrounding mountain range. Located at the gates to Chaîne es Puys and the region’s natural park, Volcans d’Auvergne, the town continues to welcome around 9 000 spa visitors every year for arthritis and cardiovascular problems. What is more, it boasts a high-quality wellness product and rehabilitation facilities which use thermal water as a basis: the Royatonic thermo-recreation centre.
Contact Follow
City of Royat Chamalières website
1 avenue Auguste Rouzaud
63130 ROYAT
Tel +33 (0)4 73 29 74 70 - info@ot-royat.com

and Cities
“Day spent at Royat. Royat is a little patch of hotels at the bottom of a valley, at the gate of Clermont-Ferrand. A great many people there. A large park full of life. Superb view of the Puyde-Dome, seen at the end of a perspective of valleys.”
Guy de Maupassant, Writer
“In terms of thermal activity, aesthetics, architecture, the grand adventure remains the medley inspired by Napoleon II and Princess Eugenie from the last century onwards. The so-called spa towns became, in around thirty years, immediately overinvested picturesque entities.”
Llibert Tarrago, Editeur