In the past, Vichy was known by the name Aquis Calidis. Its waters have a reputation of being almost capable of miracles, which attracted well-known figures such as Madame de Sévigné, Louis XV’s daughters Victoire and Adélaide, and the Duchess of Angoulême. Maria Letizia Bonaparte, ‘Madame Mère’, discovered the city in 1799, and saddened by how dilapidated it was. She pushed her son, Napoleon I, to get the State to put some investment into the town. Farming of a thermal estate thus began in 1816. Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte, who became Napoleon III, stayed there five times for health reasons between 1861 and 1866. He chose to turn this modest spa resort into one of the thermal capitals of Europe capable of rivalling Baden-Baden and Karlsbad. He had a train station built there, dyked the river Allier, created eight spa roads, had land acquired by his uncle developed into large parks, opened a Casino, the Saint-Louis Church and a new town hall. The town is adorned with a harmonious combination of hotels and villas against a green backdrop. Byzantine, Moorish, Venitian, Neo-Gothic… it is a hybrid mixture of rich contrasting styles, an eclectic combination of architecture which stupefies and enchants visitors and transports them into another world.
“At night, in the splendid casinos, women passed by, their bare arms tied with ribbons, and their bodies covered in a gathering of flowers, jewels and satin... Their faces, behind their veils, were as beautiful as Heaven itself...”
Valery Larbaud, Author, Poet, Novelist, Essay writer and Translator
“Seeing my mountains from afar, my old traveller's blood abounds through my veins. The view of Puy de Dôme reminds me of Liban, and the Taurus, which I crossed on horseback eleven years before.”
Gustave Flaubert, Writer
“Crowds of people poured out of the Casino theatre into the street. Most of the women were wearing sleeveless dresses, cut very low. They and their escorts looked up apprehensively into the sky, which was streaked with intermittent lightning flashes.”
Georges Simenon, Writer
“The waters at Vichy were no longer for me as necessary as they were. I have eked all the usage I could want out of them, having them sent and tempering them. They have purged me as much as was needed, and the waters of Bourbon, sweet and luscious, have brought me to a genuinely perfect state.”
Marquise de Sévigné, Writer
© Ville de Vichy
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5, rue du Casino 03200 Vichy
Tel: +33(0)4 70 98 71 94
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